
Posts Tagged ‘mexican tiles’

Glass Mosaic made in Mexico

1950's Glass Mosaic made in Mexico by Genaro

One of the hot trends in tile collecting are glass mosaics. The regular people are buying their glass mosaics at the big box stores and putting them on their kitchen and bathroom walls to match their granite and stainless steel. The people with style are buying vintage Italian glass mosaic panels from the 1950’s and 60’s to decorate their living rooms. Some of these panels were home art projects, others were made by professional artists and studios like Evelyn Ackerman, David Holleman or Mexican studios like Teran, Genaro, and Romanos. Salvador Teran mixed the mosaics with brass to make teas sets, jewelery boxes and trays.

The panel featured this week was made in Mexico by Genaro. It’s an amazing construction of textured squares set in whorls at varying heights, smooth square tesserae of gradient tones set in horizontal lines, ground glass and sharp shards to make the dimensional flowers. This is all accented by gold tiles scattered in the background and placed in rays under the flower bowl that catch the light and makes the panel sparkle when the sun hits it just right. That’s right. These are not your big box glass mosaics.

You can find this for sale at BungalowBILL.com

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