
Posts Tagged ‘Pre-Raphaelite’

Pre Raphaelite Maiden

Johann von Schwarz Tile by Carl Luber

I first became aware of Johann von Schwarz tiles from a friend and antique tile collector from Germany, who later went on to write the book “Carl Sigmund Luber, His Life and Work as Artist for the Art Nouveau Ceramics of Johann von Schwarz 1896-1906”. Not only did Wolfgang Konig produce a book extensively filled with beautiful images of the tiles and how they were used, he also provided all the information in both German AND English.

The Pre-Raphaelite images of pretty young women are the most sought after items of the Art Nouveau wares produced by the Nuremberg company, and the technique used to produce these tiles and give them life was ingenious. The tiles were press molded by a machine in a cuenca fashion, allowing a speedier production, but the faces were left blank and were painstakingly painted by hand, bringing these beautiful women to life. As you can see, the “Smokey Eye” makeup was popular long before the girls on Jerseylicious made it famous.

You can purchase this tile at BungalowBILL.com

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